Exterior: comex@bvfoods.ind.br


almidón de mandioca

Cassava starch or sweet powder, it is a fine, white, odorless and tasteless powder, it is a carbohydrate obtained from the cassava root properly cleaned, peeled, crushed, disintegrated, purified, sieved, centrifuged, concentrated, dehydrated and dried. It is a gluten-free product, extremely versatile and achieves unmatched efficiency in all its applications.
It can be used as a component in the most varied dishes such as: cookies, cakes, cheese bread, tapioca, among other recipes.


Nuestra ubicación

RODOVIA PR 369, KM 453, Ubirata/PR - Brazil - 85440-000

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Brazil: vendas@bvfoods.ind.br
Exterior: comex@bvfoods.ind.br

Los telefonos: 55 44 99137 3604 - 55 44 99129-0156
